Alfred Hoxobeb

Alhareth Mohammed Jaafar Abdulla Abdulrahim Janahi

Alhareth Mohammed Jaafar Abdulla Abdulrahim Janahi - Bahrain

Reining Ring Rules

The Reining warm up pen can be a nightmare for both beginners and experienced reiners. Here`s some basic rules to follow, to help you survive in the warm up pen.

Courtesy and awareness must prevail, so that everyone gets their fair chance to safely warm up their horses. I believe that it`s up to coaches and trainers to teach their students the proper warm up ring rules, long before show day. If you are in doubt as to the rules, ask you Coach or an experienced Reiner before you enter the pen.

Just before I get into the Ring Rules, I`d like to remind everyone that the `warm up` is just that .... a warm up. It`s a chance to horse`s muscles moving, a chance to let your horse feel the ground, a chance to to see the surroundings and a chance for the rider to find her bearings (center and so on). This is not a schooling session. Schooling should be done in the outdoor arena or alternate arena, where you won`t cause others to regroup to avoid you. Schooling can also be done in the main arena before and after show hours, sometimes during lunch break and especially during a private paid warm up session. Paid warm ups are chunks of time that you can purchase in the main arena alone. These `mock` sessions are the Reiner`s best friend when it comes to schooling in a show environment.

Warmup Ring Rules

Heads Up! Be aware of everything that is happening around you or else you will `literally` run into trouble.

Always run your circles towards the judge`s chair. Do not lope around the perimeter of the arena or in the opposite direction of the flow.

Spin during the circling phase, inside the circles that are being run. ABSOLUTELY no spinning at the center mark.

Avoid stopping at the center mark. Many other riders are trying to hit this spot, keep it clear.

Heads ups during lead changes or counter canter changes of direction.

DO NOT suddenly stop or back up without checking behind you first.

Rest your horse in the corners of the arena and walk the perimeter to cool out.

Socialize with friends in the corners of the arena.

The fencing phase starts about half way through an allotted warm up time.

DO NOT lope circles when people are fencing. DO NOT fence your horse when people are loping circles.

If you happen to enter the warm up pen and all the rest of the horses are fencing, do not start loping circles. This would be very rude and dangerous. Wait until the fencing is done and then join the circling. The same is true during the circling phase, don`t start fencing until the rest of the crowd is ready. Parking your horse against the wall, in run down preparation, is usually sufficient hint to the rest of the rider`s that fencing is about to begin.

Lack of knowledge in the warm up pen can cause huge frustration for people who are trying to get their warm up done. If someone is new to Reining and obviously doesn`t know the warm up rules, politely explain them. Running towards and intimidating green Reiners won`t make them feel welcome to their new sport! Follow the rules and everyone will be safe, happy and able to prepare their horse for the class ahead.

Alhareth Mohammed Jaafar Abdulla Abdulrahim Janahi

Mohammed Jaafar Abdulla Abdulrahim Janahi

Mohammed Jaafar Abdulla Abdulrahim Janahi - Bahrain